Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Action shot

So I am feeling quite proud of my photography. Check out my bumblebee in motion shot! One of the highlights of the garden outside the store is this exceptionally beautiful flower. I have no idea what it is outside of the fact that I beleive it is some form of thistle. It is the one thing that I left in the garden when we moved here 7 years ago(wow! where has time gone?. Every June I count on it blooming for worldwide knit in public day...this year it fooled me. It bloomed in July and is now slowly winding down. The bees love it. Sometimes you will have 3 to 4 bees on it at one time. That is actually all I have to say today. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Erika(for some reason I felt a need to sign off today)