Friday, July 02, 2010
Get over it Erika!

I did get over it. All the things that were in my way last week. Knitting, mindless, knitting, all day last Thursday I helped. Friday morning I put on my big girl shoes and moved on to finish my Sweet Jazz. I think my mind was having an inner temper tantrum because the shawl was taking longer than I expected...I had to grow up and move on because I wanted my scarf. I have it is done and I love it. It is quite circular because of the short rows...and quite light and drapey because of the soy, cotton, wool blend in the Tofutsie yarn. No I did not do it with just one ball of yarn. I used the second ball only for the bind off row. I am not sure,,,,maybe I could have done it with only one ball but I did not want to find out in the bind off row of 700 something stitches.