Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Thank-you for the lesson!

So my new found obsession continues....the spinning yarn thing. The drop spindle is such a basic looking tool. I have to admit I like a challenge. I like to do things that other people ask "why"? I have been asking lots of people if they spin, the response is yes to a spinning wheel but no....not really to the spindle. The common theme is that once you spin on a wheel you will not want to bother with the spindle, it takes too long. That being said, I watched a couple you tube videos and tried to teach myself. It didn't look that hard but I just couldn't get it started. walks a customer and innocently asks about the drop spindles that I have distributed throughout the shop. I ask my spinning question and loa and behold she does spin on a drop spindle(and wheel as well)....and then even beyond that....offers to teach me! How can a girl say no to that???? The next hour was a delight and I now have some yarn on a drop spindle to show you. She is very excited about this upcoming Saturday and promises to be there. Thank-you for the lesson!