Monday, February 01, 2010
granny squares and a sunny day
Well, the bottom line is that I live in Cleveland and it is February. The day today is gloriously sunny and I can feel the warmth of the sun through the windows(definitely not outside....a burning 11 degrees F.) It is that sunshine that is putting me in this absolutely unrealistic mood; that of washing my bed sheets and hanging them out in the sun to dry. The mood to snap the sheets as I hang them outside and take them down smelling all lovely of fresh air and crisp feeling. That sun is deluding me quite a bit and I have to instill a bit of reality into my thoughts. "O.K. Erika, the sun is nice but it is cold outside and your silly little fingers would get frostbite if you hung sheets outside.... how about you crochet on your granny square today instead."
I have been having a lovely affair with the colors in this square. I was itching to work with these colors of the Blue Sky sport weight and melange yarns and finally came up with the never ending granny square. The colors make me happy and the motion of the double crochets and chains just make me happy.... no pressure, not too much thinking... just repetitive relaxing hand motion which will put me back into my warmth daydream...hanging out sheets in the sunshine......

I have been having a lovely affair with the colors in this square. I was itching to work with these colors of the Blue Sky sport weight and melange yarns and finally came up with the never ending granny square. The colors make me happy and the motion of the double crochets and chains just make me happy.... no pressure, not too much thinking... just repetitive relaxing hand motion which will put me back into my warmth daydream...hanging out sheets in the sunshine......