Arika Cowl |
At the studio many of us are fans of the designer Jane Richmond. She recently had a knit along for her
Arika cowl and I stumbled into it at the very end. I was reviewing the projects on Ravelry after I found the pattern and most people had done it in some type of wool or alpaca. I decided to break loose and use the yarn Norah by Stacy Charles because I wanted to be able to wear the cowl for most of the year rather than just the cold weather. I totally fell in love with the linen and silk blend as I was working with it. I love the swing and the drape that results from the fabric you create. It is kind of funny because some
300+ ravelers have made it to date and few have used something other than wool. Yarn substitution is often a bit of a challenge if you start to actually consider factors other than gauge. In this case I am thrilled with the results and encourage you to venture into something not "so wooly" as you work on projects this summer.
Labels: cowl, jane richmond. linen, knitting, silk