Friday, January 20, 2012
Path clearing

So, a knitting marathon is going on in my house. This is actually happening for a number of related/unrelated reasons.
#1) My daughter Kelsey hit the the guilt button about her sweater " hey mom, not to be pushy or anything, but do you think you can make the sweater so I can wear it THIS winter?"
#2) I want to start some new projects but I have at least 3 that are really close to completion and want to finish them but I can't because I first have to finish the reason for the marathon #1.
#3) I want to get to my fiber spinning again and can't until reason #1 and #2 are done.
Here you will see the Knitting Pure & Simple Topdown for Kels in Madelinetosh Vintage in the color Tart. I gotta tell you this is going to be a difficult sweater to just hand warm, cozy and brilliant in color....maybe I can borrow it sometimes! The sweater right next to the tosh sweater is my original topdown that I have to keep reclaiming from Kelsey's room. She borrows it and then just somehow forgets to put it back...hence her very own sweater is on the needles.
The little bowl with nuts you see pictured is my abacus. My abacus is strictly for amusement purposes. Alot of times when I am knitting nothing but stockinette I need little tasks to keep me working, so as I finish a round I move the nut out of the bowl to another location. Oddly enough it gives me instant gratification and I can amuse myself with the knitting and nutmoving much longer than if I just knitted and didn't keep track of myself. Kinda weird huh?