Monday, December 05, 2011
Starting all over again

I fell in love with the simplicity of the Purl Bee Bandana Cowl….With a studio full of yarn I knew I had to find just the perfect elegant, simplistic yarn to make this baby….it is all about the drape(oh and let me tell you by experience…the detail) I looked at Ravelry a number of times to see what other knitters had created that I liked…The review of finished projects made me decide very quickly that I wanted an natural looking fiber. Finally I decided on my all time favorite: Blue Sky Alpace worsted. Whenever I knit with this yarn I am amazed at how it feels in my hands. I recklessly launched into the project. Well that was all fine and dandy until I looked closer at what my wonderful yarn was showing me…that I was a reckless knitter(no slack being cut here). I didn’t pay attention to the detailing of the decreases…there is a very clear line up the first couple rows of garter(I like to think of it as the little line that runs up from the center of your lip to your nose).. that was all a little line…my short rows….messy… I had not paid attention …thinking I was above it all. Well let me tell you, my yarn scolded me. I looked at my cowl…not so beautiful right now…put it down…walked away. Decided I needed to start all over again…fresh approach. So humbling a simple project can be, so much more enjoyable when you pay attention.