Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Day off fun

I always have a good time taking Kelsey back to Ohio University and today was no exception. One of our customers told me all about the store Sew To Speak, a fabric store in the Columbus area. When she first told me about it I visited their website and knew that I had to go to the brick and mortar store. Ya know.....Columbus is on the way to Athens......Let me tell you I was not disappointed. So many choices but I did narrow down my focus with the help of Kels. The dress she wants me to make for her is this sweet little demure dress....with this sweet little traditional print...except check out the detail of the print.HA....what an edgey little sweet dress! I knew that I wanted some linen towels so we got some of that and then there was this wonderful cotton and a festive ribbon which just happened to match...then there was the Linen Craft book and the wonderful colors of Pearl Cotton which I now Know I have to get for the store. I didn't realize the wonderful colors it came in.
Lunch came next and we ended up at the Day Star Cafe. Can I tell you how wondeful the food was? After we were done in Clintonville(the suburb Sew To speak and Day Star are located in)we headed on our way....into the rain and 80 degree temps. I was happy though...my textile cravings had been fed for the day.