Tuesday, December 21, 2010
River Colors favorite Infinity Scarf

Our customers are loving the Coziest Ever Infinity Scarf designed by our Lakewood local, Heidi of Stitch Cleveland. Rachel has been wearing her very brilliant version made of Lambs Pride Bulky and I have been trying to wear my grey version made of Rowan Cocoon. I say trying because I'm having to do battle with my Kelsey to keep it for my own(shhh xmas is coming there might be something on the needles for her!). Anyway, we thought you might enjoy taking a gander at ways to wear the scarf. One version is just a couple wraps around your neck to keep out the cold,the other version encourages the hood look. The hood is perfect to take off the chill and not mess with your hair too much. Anyway it goes, our cutomers see them being worn and want to make them too! The pattern is perfect for a long weekend at home and enjoying the knitting process.