Saturday, December 11, 2010
Projects are always new to someone else

I was wearing my Maine Mitts in the studio the other day....there was a chill in the air and the warmth on my wrists always helps take that chill off. The customer I was helping was making the Noro necklet and thoroughly enjoying it....she asked "do you have any other cute fast projects like this?. I usually am pretty good at answering questions like that but that day I waas a little off. I was slow to answer and then she gave me the prompt; "are those gloves that you are wearing hard to make?". Well that was history. We got the pattern out for her, picked out some Noro Kureyon and off she went very excited about her new project(by the way she has come back and made a couple pairs. I am terribly grateful to her for reminding me that an old project to me may be a new project to someone else. Kind of like the old "make new friends but keep the old" lyric from my Girl Scout days.