:River Colors Journal: December Winds - Knitting Tips Blog
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River Colors Journal

Monday, December 13, 2010

December Winds
This morning I woke up very early to the December winds of Cleveland. I tried to make myself go back to sleep but then decided to approach the day with a purpose. Today is going to be the day I eliminate some of the bags that I carry back and forth to the shop and every day. In other words I am going to finish some of the projects that I have on the needles.
My list for the day includes.
1. work on Stephen West's Urbana. I shared the beginning stages with you but then put it on the back burner. One of our customers shared her finished Stephen West's Daybreak with me and I want to start one myself....but not until Urbana is done.
2. put the thumbs and buttons on my Noro Retro fingerless gloves
3. create and knit a pattern for an earflap hat using my Cascade Magnum that I will be recycling.
4. put a button on my Malabrio Rasta vest that is hanging at the store. Once I put the button on I can actually wear it!

I think I should be able to do these things today....they are not crazy unrealistic like my usual lists. Look for the update by the end of the day.