Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Maggiknits project next!

So I am on a little bit of a linen kick, having just finished Sasha and all. I decided it is time for me to start working with some of our Maggiknits Linen. I have a multitude of projects I have wanted to start with the linen. I love the Aranmore shawl from her incredible Maggie's Ireland book(we have a store sample if you are curious).
We did the Alaca wrap in a store knitalong...that was alot of fun because there is alot of lace work in individual there was always variety. I actually think I am just going to do a simple project(the Camas Bolero) from her book the The Gathered Look because I think my mind will be mush for the first week or so after my surgery. I am hoping I will have it done by the time Maggi comes for our Maggi Jackson weekend.