Sunday, January 27, 2008
The First Pair of Baby Booties!

Yes, I am a little behind on the baby bootie promise...but not that bad. The ones I going to actually put up as a photo today have been done for at least a week and a half.....the problem always is the photography....I promise you I am going to stop yakking about the photography and conquer it...just you wait...blah,blah,blah.
Here are the booties! We know the gender of the baby but I am pretending I do not.....I am one of those people that say anybody should wear any color.....what difference does your gender make in regards to color like it, wear it! Anway the link to the booties is here
I used Maggi Angora and Mango Moon Mohair instead of Kidsilk Haze because I had some stash.
Yeah! for the picture(taken by Anastasia Rose....budding cinemotographer)
Got a go....lot of website work to do.