Wednesday, June 27, 2007
mermaid gloves continued

Well the problem with falling in love is you expect perfection! I swatched the mermaid gloves in Blue Sky Alpaca sportweight, that was no where close to gauge....even on size 0's. Next I tried the Blue Sky alpaca and silk.....much closer but still off. I decided to go ahead with the varigated koigu ppm, afterall that is what the original Pomatus sock is worked with. Well anxious to get underway I started working the first glove with size 1 needles and a subtle light blue/ coral varigation ... I was going to work the pattern two times and then see where I was at but have already decided that they are going to be too big for me(I want them very snug) and I really want a solid color so I am going to rip them open. We have a new fingering weight coming in from Shibui so I am going to wait for that delivery and probably use size 0's. To be continued again!